6 Fun Ways to Make This a Comfy Christmas

Christmas is my favorite time of year!

I love the scent of pine that fills my family’s car when we take home the family Christmas tree. I look forward to the taste of hot apple cider, eggnog, and Christmas cookies. I cherish the memories made decorating the tree with colorful lights and special, hand-made ornaments given by family and friends.

And who doesn’t love the excitement on Christmas morning of tearing open presents and leaving piles of paper on the floor?

Maybe that’s why Christmas is my favorite time to completely spoil the women in my life. I love to fill their stockings, closets, and hearts with joy.

And ComfyEarrings are my go-to way to do that..

little ComfyEarrings fan wearing the mini pearl earrings
Mini Pearl ComfyEarrings
holiday earring styles
Snowflake ComfyEarrings

I know what you’re thinking… just give my wife or daughter another pair of earrings?


But ComfyEarrings aren’t just another pair of earrings. They’re earrings women (and men) can wear all day and night without the pokes and pain of traditional earrings.

They’re a gift they’ll wear every day, and they’ll think about you every time they see themselves wearing ComfyEarrings in the mirror.

With that in mind, here are six fun earring gift ideas for presenting your loved one with ComfyEarrings:

Turquoise Comfy Earrings
Turquoise ComfyEarrings

1. Say “I love you” with stocking stuffers.

Has your daughter been dropping hints that she’d like to start wearing earrings?

Or has someone else in your house had issues wearing earrings due to sensitive ears? Or maybe they think traditional earrings are too much of a hassle?

Well, this Christmas you can make a special memory with a pair of ComfyEarrings in their stocking.

The unique ComfyEarrings design makes them perfect for younger ears and they’re the best earring for sensitive ears, too. Plus, the screw-on flat backs keep them in place no matter the activity.

And there are so many options!

Choose a pair of Turquoise ComfyEarrings to celebrate their birthday (it’s one of December’s birthstones) or to show off the color of their beautiful eyes.

Or, choose a style that goes with everything: Half Round Pearl ComfyEarrings".

No matter which style you choose, ComfyEarrings make a great stocking stuffer.

rose gold bar stud earrings for pierced ears
Rose Gold Bars ComfyEarrings

2. Create your own comfy ornaments.

Great things come in small packages. But not all packages have to be under the tree. This season, why not decorate your tree with tiny gifts?

All you need is ComfyEarrings and some festive ribbon. Use the ribbon to hang the pretty blue boxes of ComfyEarrings on your tree. Or, you could wrap the ComfyEarrings box in traditional wrapping paper to keep the surprise “under wraps” longer.

Then, every time your loved one looks at the Christmas tree, they’ll wonder what could be in those adorable little packages with their name on top.

On the other hand, maybe they aren’t as observant and don’t notice the extra “ornaments” among the branches… Well, on Christmas morning, imagine their surprise when you lift their little gift off of the tree. And, you can share a fun laugh once they realize they’ve been looking at their ComfyEarrings for days, hiding right out in the open.

Crystal Clear Gold Prong ComfyEarrings on poinsettia leaves
Crystal Clear Gold ComfyEarrings

3. Let Teddy do the giving.

Young or old, all the ladies love getting a Teddy bear.

Why not get creative and pair a Teddy bear with a new style of ComfyEarrings?

Pick out a style (such as Blue Sapphire ComfyEarrings or Blue Topaz ComfyEarrings). Wrap them any way you choose and put them in Teddy’s paws.

Then, plop Teddy under the tree (or put him in her chair at the dinner table). Finally, watch as she smiles curiously and opens the gift meant just for her.

Can you think of a cuter way to give a gift?

And, best of all, when she hugs her comfy Teddy (and you), she won’t have to worry about the pinch or pokes of traditional earrings on her neck. With ComfyEarrings, she can comfortably snuggle and sleep.

First, pick a theme for your clues.

You could highlight classic Christmas colors with pairs of Ruby ComfyEarrings, Emerald ComfyEarrings, and Crystal Clear ComfyEarrings.

Or, you could do a pun-based theme with our shapes: [star for “you’re the star of my life”, heart for “I love you” or “you have my heart”]

Either way, you’re in for a treat watching their face as they realize their clues contain ComfyEarrings.

holiday earring styles
Snowflake ComfyEarrings

6. Formal place setting.

If you’re looking for a more elegant idea, ComfyEarrings make a wonderful gift place setting at the table. (And because they’re affordable and practical, you can treat all the special women in your life without breaking the bank).

Surprise the women in your family… from granddaughters to grandmas with a wrapped box of ComfyEarrings at their place setting. (ComfyEarrings are great for men with pierced ears too! But, for men without pierced ears, consider cuff links or money clips for gift place settings.)

For more fun, wrap each gift the same. That way everyone thinks they’re all getting the same gift.

Then, just before dinner is served, invite them to open their packages. They’ll be surprised to see they each got their own unique pair of ComfyEarrings. The room will fill with smiles and chatter.

4. Get Elf on a Shelf involved.

Elf on the Shelf has been a holiday tradition in my house for years. We’ve posed him climbing ribbons, carrying gifts, and of course, sitting on random shelves. He’s been naughty. He’s been nice.

This year, he can be comfy.

For a fresh take on an old tradition, put some ComfyEarrings in your Elf on the Shelf’s hands. This Christmas, instead of stealing the remote, he could steal your daughter’s heart by giving her a pair of Stainless Heart ComfyEarrings.

Or, for more fun, your Elf on the Shelf could be part of a scavenger hunt for gifts…

5. The ultimate scavenger hunt clue.

Scavenger hunting for gifts is quickly becoming a tradition in many families. Maybe because planning the clues is almost as much fun as solving them.

For an ultimate surprise, why not pair up some clues with new pairs of ComfyEarrings?.

elf on the shelf holding ComfyEarrings gift box
ComfyEarrings make the perfect gift

You’ll hear how someone’s pair of Amethyst ComfyEarrings goes perfectly with her outfit. And how someone else’s Crystal Clear Prong ComfyEarrings matches her necklace or bracelet. Or how the Blue Sapphire ComfyEarrings shows off another’s blue eyes. (You might even hear a little fun trading going on according to their personal tastes.)

There’s no doubt the room will fill with laughter and conversation, making it a moment for you to remember for years to come.

And, chances are they’ll wear the same pair of ComfyEarrings often, maybe even 24/7, and remember the fun and creative way you showed your love.

There you have it: my best earring gift ideas. Now, what are you waiting for? Click here to start shopping today.

ComfyEarrings are the perfect gift for everyone with pierced ears on your list. And you won’t even have to go to the mall. Plus, you can get FREE US shipping on all orders over $30.

Blue Sapphire flat back earrings gift idea
Blue Sapphire ComfyEarrings
Brad Dunsé

By Brad Dunsé

Brad is a freelance content writer and copywriter, married to his adorable wife Brenda, also a freelance writer. They’re parents to two great adult children.

Brad and Brenda live with their writing pal, Cocoa — a brown Standard Poodle, among the picturesque bluffs of western Wisconsin’s St. Croix River valley.

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