5 Selfish Reasons I Buy ComfyEarrings for My Wife

Birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, and Mother’s day gifts are all part of being a husband.

I’ve purchased many gifts for my wife… Flowers, shoes, chocolates, stuffed toy animals, rings, and yes… even silky nightwear. I’ve been known to buy earrings for her, too. ComfyEarrings that is.

When it comes to buying earrings for my wife, my reasons for giving her ComfyEarrings might seem a little selfish.

Or maybe not. You tell me.

I’ll be honest. I’ve given this a lot of thought.

Here are my top five reasons for buying ComfyEarrings for my wife.

ComfyEarrings make great Mother's Day gifts
Brad and his wife, Brenda
flat back simple circle stud earrings
ComfyEarrings Stainless Circles

1. I’m tired of feeling bad for her, feeling bad for me.

More than once I’ve seen my wife walking around the house, bent over, scouring the floor with her eyes looking for a missing earring or the clampy back piece for it. It fell off, and it’s gone.

I watch her eyeball every inch of the carpet and, when that fails, scruff up the carpet with her hands hoping to find her lost earring before the vacuum does.

The thing is, I don’t feel bad that she lost a piece of the earrings I bought her for Valentine’s Day. The remnants of those earrings can rattle around the jewelry box for eternity for all I care.

What I feel bad about is her feeling bad for me.

I can sense the worry and tension in her voice, thinking about the last time this happened. She’s mad at herself for losing an earring again.

She’s fearful I wasted my hard-earned money. And she’s heart-broken for me because she lost a gift I took the time to pick out and buy for her.

I’ve told her it’s not her fault. But she still feels bad for me. So, I had to come up with another solution.

ComfyEarrings has a unique screw-on design. She puts them in and leaves them. She doesn’t have to take them out unless she wants to change her look for some reason with a different pair.

No more lost earrings. No more feeling bad.

Problem solved.

Turquoise screw on earrings for mother's day gifts
Fan Fave Turqoise ComfyEarrings

Maybe it’s selfish, but I started buying ComfyEarrings for my wife because I don’t want to feel bad for her anymore. ~ Brad

2. I’m tired of stink bombs.

I said we’d be honest.

Now we’re getting personal.

I’m one of those guys who really likes earrings on his wife.


She has a perfect heart-shaped face and inviting jaw-lines which lead seductively to the cutest ears I’ve ever seen in my life.

I’m telling you, dried fruit would look gorgeous dangling off those hot ears of hers.

But here’s the problem…

When I go to hug her, my nose is within an inch or two from her ear and… Pheeeew!

ball screw back stud earrings for Mother's Day gifts
ComfyEarrings Stainless Gold Balls
flat back earrings aqua for mother's day gifts
Aquamarine ComfyEarrings

Who knew an ear with the wrong kind of earrings in it could have an odor. Actually, it’s not an odor. It’s more like a stink bomb! It’s enough to send me howling into the next room pinching my nose.

Okay, that was an exaggeration.

Speaking to the guys here, how do you tactfully tell your beautiful wife that her ears stink to high heaven without hurting her feelings?

It kind makes things awkward, doesn’t it?

The problem comes from the design of traditional earrings. Because they clamp so tightly on the earlobe, no air can circulate. This not only causes soreness, but it leaves the area moist and prone to infection. It gives bacteria a place to thrive, even resulting in open sores at times.

It’s unattractive. It’s unhealthy. It’s painful. And, frankly, it stinks. Literally.

But it’s completely unnecessary. ComfyEarrings have a screw-on back which creates a set amount of space between the front and back of the earring. Air can circulate, and the earrings can move, keeping infections at bay.

Also, ComfyEarrings are made of high-quality 316L Surgical Grade Stainless Steel. This means that allergic reactions are extremely rare (you can read more about that here) and my wife’s earrings won’t rust, discolor, or turn her ears green. (That’s a good thing for me.)

No infections.

No discoloration.

And no stink bomb!

By the way, ComfyEarrings unique screw-on back stays secure, too.

ComfyEarrings fit loose enough to breathe and tight enough not to dangle. (If you’re ordering for small/thin ears, please request a free pair of silicone spacers in your order notes.)

So, it might be selfish, but I don’t have to see my wife in pain, and I don’t have to worry about whether or not to tell her she has stinky ears anymore.

3. They make the perfect “just because” gift.

I love buying ComfyEarrings for my wife.

They’re so affordable that you can pick up a pair for no reason at all.

Not just birthstone jewelry for her birthday.

Not just for a Mother’s Day gift.

Not even because you’re trying to “make nice” after a disagreement.

Instead, I can get her a pair “just because.”

Does your wife like surprise gifts?

Choose a pair (or two) of ComfyEarrings for her. Don’t say a word about it. You don’t even have to gift wrap them if you don’t want.

The minute she realizes they’re earrings… a smile will spread across her cutie-pie face.

She’s going to love them!

comfortable earrings for mother's day gifts
ComfyEarrings signature blue box
comfortable pearl earrings for mother's day gifts
Classy Pearl ComfyEarrings for Mom

The last time I bought ComfyEarrings for my wife, I chose a pair of Black Onyx ComfyEarrings and a pair of her birthstones, 6.0 mm Pearl ComfyEarrings.

Again, it might have been a bit selfish of me. But I love to see her reaction to a “just because” gift.

I like to see her happy.

Sure, I could have had flowers delivered. That’s romantic. She’d smile, and I’d probably get a hug.

You’ve bought flowers for your wife before, right?

They don’t last.

Do you think she feels good about tossing out your gift? Nope.

And that takes us back to reason #1: I feel bad that she feels bad. That’s a feeling I avoid.

So, it’s ComfyEarrings for my wife… just because.

“With ComfyEarrings, in a week or so (when she’s getting ready for the day) she’ll still be beaming at my gift staring back at her in the mirror. Not hanging her mouth at a mess of wilted flowers drooping on the vanity, headed for the trash by her own hand.”

4. I love that she’ll actually wear my gift.

A couple of years back, I bought my wife a $200 pair of earrings at a Mall of America jewelry store.

I know, there’s more expensive earrings out there.

But, I’m not made of money. I’m just your average guy.

And $200 is a fair chunk of change for a couple of ear decorations, especially since they currently decorate the bottom of the jewelry box because she can’t wear them.

She’d like to wear them. But it’s an unfortunate reminder.

You see, my wife has some neuropathy issues, and she has numbness in her fingers at times. She won’t wear those $200 earrings because she has to take them out to sleep, shower, or just about any other activity she participates in.

And if she takes them out, she has to put them back in.

ruby red earrings for mother's day gifts
Radiant Ruby Red ComfyEarrings
deep blue topaz earrings for mother's day gifts
Beautiful Blue Topaz ComfyEarrings

Every time she struggles with traditional earrings, it’s just a reminder she has neuropathy in her fingers.

And that’s a problem for me.

Why would I buy her a gift that makes her feel bad?

That would be nuts.

Plus, she can’t sleep with traditional earrings. They poke her in the neck. And they hurt if she wears a hoodie, hat, or anything around her ears.

Again, I buy ComfyEarrings for my wife for selfish reasons.

When she feels bad, I feel bad.

So, it’s ComfyEarrings for my wife.

5. My wife knows she’s hot.

Okay, guys. Now we’re talking.

If you catch your lady in front of the mirror, seductively twirling the earrings that you bought her, smiling with mischievous eyes because she knows they look good on her…

How hot is that?

It’s so attractive when my wife knows she’s a hottie because she’s wearing ComfyEarrings.

And because she can leave ComfyEarrings in for days, weeks, months, or even longer… she feels good about how she looks all the time.

That’s attractive!

6.0 mm Crystal Prong comfortable earrings for woman's gift
6.0 mm Crystal Prong ComfyEarrings

So, what’s the bottom line?

When our wives feel good about how they look, we feel good, too.

And, getting ComfyEarrings for my wife takes the guesswork out of buying presents for her.

I can’t lose.

You can’t either.

You don’t have to worry about what ComfyEarrings are made of. They’re all made from 316L Surgical Grade Stainless Steel, the best.

The gauge of the post is always the same (18g to accommodate the threading). That’s the same as many traditional earrings. So, your wife’s earlobes won’t be stretched.

And, thanks to the Comfy screw-on back’s design, her ear lobes won’t be pinched or squeezed either. So, there’s no place for gunk to hide and infect her ear.

And there’s no little “clampy” back piece to fall off and lose (much less the earring itself).

Crystal Clear Gold Prong ComfyEarrings for mothers day gifts
Crystal Clear Gold Prong ComfyEarrings

For the $200 I spent on traditional earrings for my wife at the Mall of America… I could have bought a half-dozen pairs of safe, beautiful, and comfortable ComfyEarrings that she’d actually love to wear.

Birthday gifts, Valentine’s Day gifts, and Mother’s Day gifts no longer cause me any anxiety. The only thing I want to think about now is which ComfyEarrings design she might like to add to her collection.

The only thing you might want to think about is which style will put a smile on your wife’s cutie-pie face.

Bonus: Sign up below, and you’ll get a coupon for $5 off delivered to your inbox immediately.

If you’re not sure which style to order, get her a ComfyEarrings gift card and let her have fun picking out her own.

Be selfish! Your wife deserves it.

Brad Dunse

By Brad Dunsé

Brad is a freelance content writer and copywriter, married to his adorable wife Brenda, also a freelance writer. They’re parents to two great adult children.

Brad and Brenda live with their writing pal, Cocoa — a brown Standard Poodle, among the picturesque bluffs of western Wisconsin’s St. Croix River valley.

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