Earring Styles Articles

What Are Comfy Earrings and Why Do You Need Them?

You may be wondering, “What in the world are Comfy Earrings? What’s the buzz all about? And how are Comfy Earrings different from other terms like comfortable earrings, nap earrings, sleeper earrings or flat back earrings?”

Use Screw-on Earrings to Stay Camera-Ready

Use Screw-on Earrings to Stay Camera-Ready

It may sound a little dramatic, but screw-on earrings changed my life. Maybe not in some earth-shattering, “made-for-TV-movie” sort of way. But in a down-to-earth, everyday life sort of way. Maybe you can relate… When it came to my wardrobe, style sometimes took a backseat to function and comfort.

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The May Birthstone Color Will Make You Envious!

The May Birthstone Color Will Make You Envious!

Were you born in May, the month that celebrates all things lush and green?

Even May’s birthstone, the bedazzling emerald, announces that summer has arrived!

Let’s take a quick trip back in time and meet an exotic mine owner who adored emeralds.

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Meet Team Comfy

Meet Team Comfy

Over a decade ago, the need to find earrings for sensitive ears became a passion.

ComfyEarrings founder, Christina Gillick, had grown tired of choosing… Beauty? Or comfort? … Sleep? Or convenience? … Happy ears? Or not?

She knew it shouldn’t be so hard to look good and feel good at the same time…

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